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Install the QAS Client

The Qualitia Automation Studio client can be installed using one of the following QAS client installers:

  • QualitiaWDClient.exe: You can copy this file into every machine individually from the shared location.

  • QualitiaWDClient.msi: An IT administrator can create a copy of this installer into multiple computers automatically.

Installing the Qualitia Automation Studio Client on a Computer

Note: Ensure that you have installed the Sentinel License Service in the computer before you start installing Qualitia Automation Studio Client. Also, you must have the local administrator privileges to install it.

Perform the following steps to install Qualitia Automation Studio client.

To install the Qualitia Automation Studio client:

  1. Copy the Client folder from the shared location to the computer where you want to install Qualitia Automation Studio client.
    Note: Qualitia recommends running the installer (QualitiaWDClient.exe) from a local folder instead of the shared location. Executing the QualitiaWDClient.exe from the shared location takes longer time.

  2. Open the Client folder.

  3. Double-click the QualitiaWDClient.exe.
    The End User License Agreement screen opens.

  4. Review the agreement, select the Yes, I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox, and then click Next.

  5. The Qualitia Automation Studio Client Installer screen shows the pre-requisites. Review the recommended software, and click Install.
    Note: If you have not installed any JRE or installed a non-recommended JRE version on your computer , you can still click Install to complete the Qualitia client installation and install the recommended JRE version later. For more details on the Qualitia recommended JRE version, refer to Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Pre-Requisites .

  6. After the Qualitia Automation Studio client is installed successfully, click Finish.
    By default, the option to launch the Qualitia Automation Studio Client is enabled. This launches the login window for Qualitia Automation Studio Client.

  7. You can also launch the Qualitia Automation Studio client later by double-clicking the Qualitia - Client icon on your desktop.
    You can now configure the Qualitia Client settings. For detailed information, refer to Configuring the Qualitia Client Settings.

Installing a Qualitia Client using Configuration Software Management Systems or Group Policy Object (GPO)

An IT administrator can deploy the Qualitia Automation Studio client installer across multiple computers in a single go using tools, such as configuration software management systems or group policy object (GPO).
The advantage is that users can run the deployed QAS client installer without having the administrator privileges.

The Qualitia Client folder present at the shared location contains the following components:

  • SettingTemplate folder, which contains the ClientSettingTemplate.json file

  • QualitiaWDClient.msi

Configuring the Settings in ClientSettingTemplate.json

A JSON file called ClientSettingTemplate.json file is present in the SettingTemplate sub folder. which contains a pre-defined set of configured settings. Configuring the settings in this file enable the users to start using QAS immediately after the QAS client is installed.

When you deploy the QAS client installer to multiple computers, the Qualitia Automation Studio - Client x.x.x Installer folder is created in %ProgramFilesx86% folder. This folder contains the QAS client installer file.

  • If you have upgraded from a previous Qualitia version to QAS v8.0.3 or above, you do not need to enter the values in the settings.

  • This feature is applicable only for QAS v8.0.3 and above.

  • If you do not specify the values in the ClientSettingTemplate.json file, then after the users install the QAS client, the Qualitia Configuration screen opens where you need to enter the required settings.

To configure the settings in ClientSettingTemplate.json:

  1. Open the ClientSettingTemplate.json file that is present inside the Qualitia Automation Studio - Client x.x.x Installer folder, enter the following information, and then save the file:

    1. DatabaseType: (Mandatory) Lets you specify the database type, MySql or SqlServer.

    2. Authmode: (Mandatory for SQL Server only) Lets you specify the authentication mode for SQL Server using one of the following method:

      • WindowsAuthentication: To authenticate the SQL Server database using the Windows credentials.

      • SQL: To authenticate the database using the database credentials.
        Note: You do not need to enter any value in Authmode if you are connecting to MySQL.

    3. ServerName: (Mandatory) Lets you specify the database server IP address. .

    4. Port: (Mandatory) Lets you specify the database server port Id.

    5. MasterDBName: (Mandatory) Lets you specify the Master Database name.

    6. UserID: Lets you specify the username to connect with the database.

    7. Password: Lets you specify the password for authentication.

    8. QualitiaServerURL: Lets you specify the Qualitia Server URL.

    9. QualitiaMOSUrl: Lets you specify the Mobile Object Spy server URL for using the Qualitia Mobile Recorder and Mobile Object Spy.

    10. ExecutionResultPath: Lets you specify the path where QAS saves the suite execution results.

    11. QualitiaProjectPath: Lets you specify the path where Qualitia saves the project artifacts (test cases and tasks)..

Deploying QAS Client on User Computers

A file called QualitiaWDClient.msi is present in the Qualitia Client folder, which you need to run to deploy the QAS client installer.

Run the following command to install the Qualitia Client Setup on the computers you want:

msiexec /i "Client\QualitiaWDClient.msi" /quiet

After deploying the QAS client to multiple computers, the folder called Qualitia Automation Studio - Client x.x.x Installer is automatically created in the %ProgramFilesx86% folder.

Optionally, use the following commands:

  • To connect to the Sentinel license server, enter the following command:

call Support_Packages\haspdinst.exe -i -nomsg
  • To deploy the shared components such as IE Object Spy and Recorder, enter the following command:

msiexec /i "SharedComponents\Qualitia_IE_ObjectSpyAndRecorder.msi" /quiet

Installing the QAS Client on a User’s Computer

To install the QAS Client on user’s computer:

  1. After the QAS client installer is deployed to a user’s computer, from the user’s computer, open the %ProgramFilesx86% folder > Qualitia Automation Studio - Client x.x.x Installer.

  2. Perform the actions from the step 3 as mentioned in Install the QAS Client | Installing-the-Qualitia-Automation-Studio-Client-on-a-Computer .

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