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Work with Execution Profiles

An execution profile is a pre-defined set of configuration settings, which you can use to execute test suites. You can add multiple execution profiles with a different combinations of configuration settings.

Every web/mobile project comes with a default execution profile as System Execution Profile, in which execution mode is local which cannot be changed, and the browser is selected as Chrome which can be changed.

For more information, refer to Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings.

Currently, the Execution Profile feature is not available for desktop projects.

Adding an Execution Profile

You can create multiple execution profiles having a different combination of settings.

To add an execution profile:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Execute.

  2. Click the Execution Profile tab.

  3. Click the Add button (


  4. Enter a name for the execution profile you want.

  5. Configure the execution profile settings as explained in Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings.

    In the list of execution profiles, if you click the Usage Count of an execution profile, you can view every user who has selected the execution profile against which test suit

Setting the Default Execution Profile

You can set any of the available execution profiles as the default execution profile.

The default execution profile is mapped with a test suite by default, if no other profile is selected for a suite.

Dry Runs for the test cases use the System Execution Profile only.

To set a default execution profile:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Execute.

  2. Click the Execution Profile tab.

  3. Under the Default column, select the checkbox for the appropriate execution profile.

  4. Click Save.

Editing an Execution Profile

Perform the following steps to edit an execution profile.

To edit an execution profile:

  1. From the ExpandMenu, click Execute.

  2. Click the Execution Profile tab.

  3. Under the Edit column, click the Edit button (

     ) for the appropriate execution profile.

  4. Edit the configured settings. For more information, refer to Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings.

Deleting the Execution Profiles

You cannot delete an execution profile that is associated with a test suite or is set as default. To delete the default execution profile, set another execution profile as default.

To delete the execution profiles:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Execute.

  2. Click the Execution Profile tab.

  3. Select the checkboxes of execution profiles you want to delete.

  4. Click the Remove button (


Exporting an Execution Profile

You can export an execution profile to reuse it for offline suite executions.

To export an execution profile:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Execute.

  2. Click the Execution Profile tab.

  3. Under Export, click the Export button (

    ) for the execution profile you want to export.

  4. Locate the offline suite to which you want to save the execution profile.

    The execution profile is saved as a JSON file.

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