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Qualitia Actions

During test automation, Test Engineers develop test cases by writing programs or complex scripts. Qualitia simplifies the development of test cases allowing users to select actions during test development phase. Actions in Qualitia perform operations on the required objects (UI controls) as per their predefined purpose. Actions are associated with different objects of the application under test.

Usually, multiple actions are mapped with required object class to allow users to perform different operations on the object. However, some actions do not have objects associated with them which are termed as Generic Actions. For example, the OpenUrl action does not have any objects associated with it. Some actions have their own classes. For example, Set is an action and WebEdit is its class. The Set action sets a value in specific Edit box control.


The following example explains the usage of actions.

A typical login screen on a web page may have two edit boxes for entering your user name and password. These edit boxes are the controls or the objects. The login screen also has a Submit button, which is also an object, to log on to the application. The action for the user name edit box is Set. This action enters a value into an edit box. The class of this action is WebEdit. The string value in the edit box is the single input (parameter) for this action. The action for the Submit button is Click. This action performs a click operation on the Submit or Sign In button. The class for this action is WebButton. No parameter is required for this action. 




Operation on AUT

EditBox (User Name)



Allows input into the Edit Box for user name

EditBox (Password)



Allows input into the Edit box for password

Button (Submit)



Performs a click action on the Submit button

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