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Work with Scenarios

A scenario in Qualitia is a collection of test cases, which are part of the same module of the application under test (AUT). 

For example, User Management is a module in your AUT, then you can create a scenario in which you can define multiple test cases that automates the scenarios related to User Management such as adding a user, editing a user, deleting a user, and so on.

Adding a Scenario

Perform the following steps to add a scenario.

To add a scenario:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.
  2. In the left pane, click the Scenarios node as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click the Add Scenario button (
  4. Enter Scenario Name and Scenario Description.
  5. Click Save

You can now add new test cases. 

Editing a Scenario

Perform the following steps to edit a scenario.

To edit a scenario:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.
  2. In the left pane, click the the scenario that you want to delete, and then select the Edit Scenario button (
  3. To know how to edit a scenario, refer to Adding a Scenario.

Deleting a Scenario

You cannot delete a scenario that contains a test case. If you do not want a scenario, you can move all the existing test cases of the scenario to another scenario, and then delete that scenario.

To delete a scenario:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.
  2. In the left pane, click the scenario that you want to delete, and select the Remove Scenario button (
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