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Uninstall Mac Installation

Uninstall QAS - Client 9.x.x

Follow the steps to uninstall Qualitia Automation Studio - Client from Mac.

Machine Wide

  1. Go to root application folder in finder.

  2. Find Qualitia Automation Studio - Client.

  3. Right click on the app and select Move to bin.

  4. You have successfully uninstalled QAS - Client.

Profile Wide

  1. Go to finder and click on GO in the title bar.

  2. Select Computer, then click on the Mac hard drive.

  3. Open the Users folder and go to Current user.

  4. Go to the Applications folder and select the QAS - Client.

  5. Right click on the app and select Move to bin.

  6. You have successfully uninstalled the QAS - Client.

Delete the Data Folder

To delete all the data and the data folder follow the below steps:

  1. Go to finder and Click GO in the title bar.

  2. Clicking Option will show you Library options in the list.

  3. Go to the Application Support folder and find Qualitia Automation Studio - Client.

  4. Right click on QAS - Client and select Move to bin to delete the folder.

  5. You have successfully deleted the folder.

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