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Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) provides different resolutions so that you can view the QAS application correctly on any resolution. We recommend the following resolutions so that the images and text appear sharp and clear on a wide range of devices.


  1. User should be able to access QAS - Client.

  2. System Administration privileges required.

The recommended resolutions are:

High Definition (HD)

1280 x 720

Full HD, FHD

1920 x 1080

2K, Quad HD, QHD

2560 x 1440

4K, Ultra HD

3840 x 2160


720 x 480 or 720 x 576

For any device the minimum dimension or resolution is 1280, and maximum is counted as the current resolution of the device.

Standard Laptop Configuration

By default, the QAS - Client will be set to a certain resolution and scaling for Windows and Mac.





1920 x 1080


Mac ARM M2 13 inch

1440 x 900

Mac ARM M2 16 inch

1728 x 1117

Windows scaling can be set to 100%, 125%, 150%, and 175%. However, the recommended scaling is 150%.

Similarly, resolution for Windows can be set to minimum as 1280 x 720 and maximum as 1920 x 1080 (recommended resolution). Though the recommended resolution is 1920 x 1080, QAS supports all the resolutions between the minimum and maximum values.

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