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Reports and Dashboard

In the fast-paced tech world, an efficient testing process is crucial. Qualitia Reports & Dashboard System (QRDS) is the solution - a tailored tool for optimizing your testing journeyπŸ”§.

  • πŸ’» QRDS, a cutting-edge system, creates, displays, and manages reports from test cases. It offers two main features: Reports and Dashboards, each serving a distinct purpose for in-depth insights.

  • πŸš€ QRDS integrates seamlessly with Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS), displaying project statuses, test results, and infrastructure utilization. This fosters a robust testing environment, improving quality assurance and efficiency for focused team excellence.

  • 🎯 Integrating QRDS is user-friendly, serving as a comprehensive command center for tests. It simplifies project management, streamlines learning, and allows the team to focus on software quality.

  • ⏱️ QRDS's detailed reporting and dashboards save time in understanding project statuses, test results, and aid in planning and refining tests. Real-time updates make the testing process smoother.

  • πŸ”„ QRDS adapts to various testing scenarios, syncing with Qualitia tools to align with project objectives, minimizing test failures for reliable testing suites.

  • πŸ“‚ QRDS logically organizes information, facilitating effortless navigation and understanding of testing processes.

  • πŸ” QRDS securely maintains and provides controlled accessibility to reports and dashboards, ensuring confidence in quality analysis for each test.

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