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Integrate QAS

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) allows integration with third-party applications that help enhance or share testing artefacts and test results. Let’s learn more about integrating QAS with other applications, such as Azure DevOps, Jenkins, and others.

Integration Type


Azure DevOps

To execute QAS test cases using Azure DevOps pipelines.

Continuous Integration Tools

To execute QAS offline suites using continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, Team City, and Azure DevOps.

Defect Management Systems

To create defects for test suite execution results in Jira or TFS/Azure DevOps either automatically or manually.

Micro Focus ALM

To execute QAS test cases in Micro Focus ALM.

Version Control Management Tools

To integrate all your project artefacts such as test cases, tasks, and custom actions with SVN or Git provider tools.

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