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Installing the Mobile Server

Before installing Mobile Agent or Mobile Server, ensure your Mac/Windows machine is configured for real devices, emulators, or simulators.

For Mac, ensure that you have:

  1. XCode

  2. Appium Dependencies

  3. Java 8 (64-bit)- Oracle Java 8: 1.8.0_261/ Open JDK / Azul Java:

For your Windows machine, you need to have:

  1. Android Studio (only for emulators)

  2. IntelĀ® HAXM (only for emulators)

  3. Java 8 (64-bit)- Oracle Java 8: 1.8.0_261/ Open JDK / Azul Java:

  4. System environment variables set

Setting up the Mobile Server

The initial step involves installing the Qualitia Mobile Server on any machine within your network. This machine could be either a Windows or Mac system.

Make sure that all Qualitia clients can access Port 4001 from the machine where you're installing the Qualitia Mobile server.

Here are the steps to install the Mobile Server:

  1. Go to folder where you have downloaded Qualitia Installable.

  2. Open Mobile Server Folder.

  3. Depending on your OS:

    1. For Mac: Copy Qualitia Mobile Server.pkg file to a temporary location.

    2. For Windows: Copy Setup.exe file to a temporary location.

  4. Double click on the file to start installation.

  5. Follow instructions appearing on screen to complete installation.

  6. To verify installation:

    1. On Windows, check the services console to ensure that Qualitia.Mobile.Service is running.

    2. Try accessing the Mobile Server using the Server URL in any browser. The Server URL combines the hostname/IP of the machine where the Qualitia Object Spy server is installed with port 4001. A sample URL might look like: or http://localhost:4001.

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