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The Execute section of Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) allows you to automate test cases and execute them to validate the application under test. You can execute the test cases with the supported test automation tools.

🔧🔄 Suite and Execution Profile Management

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) reimagines software test automation and positioning itself as an indispensable tool for comprehensive test case management. One of its most pivotal aspects is its robust Suite and Execution Profile Management system. This features not only enhances the precision of test executions but also harnesses the full potential of your testing configurations for impeccable results.

🌟 Core Features:

  • 🔧📋 Dynamic Suite Management: QAS allows effortless creation, curation, and control of test suites for regression, smoke, or functional testing. You can mark or unmark specific test cases to tailor test runs to evolving project demands.

  • 🔄🎚 Adaptive Execution Profiles: The Execution Profile Management allows you to define, modify, or export of specific execution settings. From default profiles for web and mobile applications to custom configurations, this feature ensures precise and efficient test runs.

  • 🛠️🌐 Seamless Offline Package Execution: QAS supports Offline Package execution, enabling test suites to run from local setups, shared drives, or the cloud. This ensures flawless execution, maximizing test coverage and accuracy without being tied to the QAS client.

  • 🌍💡 Configurable and Contextual: The Configuration Settings feature in QAS offers personalized settings for custom browser profiles and unique project prerequisites. This ensures tests run in an environment tailor-made for accuracy and efficiency.

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